Promising Practices: Leading From Where You Are: Leadership CAN be Learned.
Leadership is an necessary skill in all types of work in today’s world. Yet, many people think that they aren’t leaders for a variety of reasons. You may be surprised to learn that leadership is something that ALL of us can learn and in which ALL of us can become skilled.
We urge you to join co-presenters Sharon Morris and Becky Russell on Tuesday, April 24th from 3:30 – 4:30 MST for our upcoming webinar “Leading From Where You Are: Leadership CAN be Learned.” In this very interactive webinar (part of our “Promising Practice in Session” series), you will identify behaviors of effective leaders so that you can try them in your work. You’ll also identify your leadership strengths and walk away with strategies to grow yourself and others in leadership behaviors.
Handout: Leading from Where You Are (PDF)
Facilitators: Sharon Morris and Becky Russell
Becky Russell is an Instructional Specialist/School Library Consultant at the Colorado Department of Education. Previously, she has taught K-12 students for 24 years in Missouri, Texas, and Colorado. She earned National Board Recognition in addition to an MLIS and Bachelors in Education. Her educational passions include promising practice of instruction, backwards planning/goal setting, leadership, instructional coaching skills, collaboration, a culture of inclusivity, and empowering learners to thrive.
Sharon Morris is the Director of Library Development at the Colorado State Library, has a doctorate in Managerial Leadership in Libraries, and MLIS. She is passionate about how library services transform the lives of those they serve as well as the communities with strong library leadership