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Linda Hofschire

Bullet Journaling: The Magic Bullet for Increased Productivity

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September 26, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT

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Do you struggle each day to get through your “to do” list? Are you losing track of projects and missing deadlines because you don’t have a system to manage all of your responsibilities? In this session, you will learn about an increasingly popular planning method – bullet journaling – as a means to gain control of your work and personal lives. We will also consider the bigger picture about productivity by discussing how we can exploit our natural tendencies to increase motivation and optimize our workflow. Come to the webinar ready to share your best productivity tips and tricks


  • Session Slides (PDF)
  • Four Tendencies Quiz
  • Bullet Journal Tool Recommendations
  • Facebook Group
  • Productivity Tools
  • Productivity Tips
    • I try to find blocks of uninterrupted time…coming in early, working at a different location for an afternoon.
    • I have to shut my office door and put earbuds in otherwise I am watching and eavesdropping on the circ desk.
    • I use a Gantt chart with To Do, Pending, Doing, & Done on sticky notes.  I also love Google Keep!
    • I like to go hide in the other end of the building in the basement. It’s really the only way to get people to not interrupt. Not an option for everyone…
    • Putting on headset…but without sound. Staff think I’m listening to a training session

Facilitator: Linda Hofschire

Linda Hofschire is the Director of the Colorado State Library’s Library Research Service (LRS). She has more than 20 years of experience working in social science research and evaluation. At LRS, she manages a variety of research and evaluation projects including outcome-based evaluations of state library programs and a national continuing education event, the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL). She also serves as the chair of PLA’s Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment Committee, and was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker in 2017. Hofschire has an MA and PhD in Mass Media from Michigan State University, and an MLIS from the University of Illinois. She is passionate about making data accessible and meaningful to users.


September 26, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT