Level It Up: Evaluating Beginning Readers
- Have you ever wondered how the heck Beginning Readers are leveled?
- Have you ever found a Beginning Reader in your collection that just didn’t seem to match the level to which it was assigned?
The Denver Public Library has been working for the last 18 months to develop a plan to address these issues, and we want to share our work with you! At this informative, fun, hands-on workshop, you’ll become familiar with the criteria and rubric that we developed to level Beginning Readers, and you’ll walk away with copies of these tools for use in evaluating your own collections.
- Session Slides (PPT)
- DPL Rubric (Make own copy of Google sheets)
- DPL Beginning Reader Collection Criteria and Rubric Best Practices
- Session Transcript (DOCX)
Facilitator: Gigi Pagliarulo and Katie MacKendrick
Katie MacKendrick is a librarian at the Denver Public Library: Hadley Branch Library. She has been with DPL for a little more than two years and received her MSLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2018. She lives in the Denver metro area with her husband and their cat, Lady Penelope, who loves to join them for their video meetings.
Gigi Pagliarulo is a Children’s Librarian for the Denver Public Library. Gigi is especially interested in grade level reading, early literacy, and issues of equity, diversity and inclusion within children’s literature and programming. She has served on the steering committee of Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy, the CLEL Bell Picture Book Award Selection Committee and is a regular contributor to the Guessing Geisel blog.