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Summertime Outreach: Bringing Summer Learning into the Community

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December 8, 2016 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST

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Your public library is packed with kids during the summer, and that is excellent! Research shows that those children benefit from your library’s many strong enrichment activities, staff expertise, and collections that go so far in preventing summer slide.

However, there are children in your community that you don’t see in your library that need this same enrichment the most over the summer.

  • How can you find and support them, and provide them with the same rich resources?
  • How can you collaborate with other organizations to help with this effort?
  • How will you possibly find the time and resources to provide outreach services during the busiest time of the year?

Join us for this lively, interactive session and bring your questions, challenges and ideas.


Definition of outreach: Providing library services outside of your library without the expectation that those receiving services will ever come to your library.

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Facilitator: Beth Crist

Beth’s background is rich in youth services and state library experience. She began working in libraries in 1999, has museum experience, and has worked as a state library consultant in North Carolina, New Mexico, and now Colorado. In her position, Beth supports children, teens and families by coordinating statewide initiates for early literacy, summer reading and other program.


December 8, 2016
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST