Collection Management Data: Quick and Easy
Whether you work in a public or school library, time is your most precious resource and reading review journals is a luxury few of us can afford. Creating a collection that is lean and mean depends on two things: knowing how your collection is being used and finding the right materials to fill community needs.
We will share tips on using standard ILS reports to assess what belongs and doesn’t in your collection. Find that sweet spot in between spending too much time obsessing over what to buy and not putting any thought into developing a collection tailored to your community. Come prepared to share your favorite selection tools!
- Collection Management Template
- Online Selection Resources (PDF)
- Selection Resources suggested by attendees
Facilitator: Bob Bennhoff
Bob Bennhoff manages AspenCat, a Colorado based union catalog with over 100 member libraries mixing school, academic, and public library types. He received his MLIS from the University of Denver, has worked in libraries since 2005, and for the Colorado Library Consortium since 2012.