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Media Mentorship in the Age of COVID: How libraries can help families navigate the challenging world of screen time.

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September 15, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT

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For years, librarians have been assisting families in making reading choices. How can we transfer those advisory skills to digital media – and feel confident in doing so? With screens now an ubiquitous part of our lives, librarians can and should help patrons navigate the digital and online space.

Learn the current research around screen time and young children, and how librarians can advocate for thoughtful use of media while respecting the challenges our families are facing.  We will also talk about early learning media evaluation tools, review sites, and the new ALSC Excellence in Early Learning Digital Media Award.

You are a Reader’s Advisor, and you CAN be a Media Mentor too!

About the presenter

Mary Kuehner is the Early Literacy Outreach Librarian at Arapahoe Library District where she facilitates the Stories and More program. She has over 23 years’ experience working with young children and their caregivers and is a founding member of Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy.



September 15, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT