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Grow Your Own Library Staff: Creating Professional Development Paths for Non-Degreed Librarians

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January 25, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST

Session Archive

Session Slides (PPT)

Session Handouts

  1. Environmental Scan Worksheet (Word)
  2. Outline for Modules (PDF)
  3. Example: History and Foundations (PDF)
  4. Example: Reader’s and Reference Advisory (PDF)
  5. Example: Collections (PDF)
  6. Training topics brainstormed during the session (PDF)
  • What is your professional development plan?
  • Does your organization have one?
  • Is it ad hoc, whatever is available and needed for the day?

Join us for this session to identify or evaluate what your organization can realistically provide for staff learning opportunities.

For small or rural communities with limited budgets, positions may not draw someone with an MLS, MIS, or MLIS, but that doesn’t mean your community isn’t expecting that knowledge. The program is divided into four sections:

  • Identifying priorities
  • Environmental scan
  • Developing an online knowledge base
  • Implementation and review

For each section, attendees will lay the groundwork for their own organizations and then see a case study of how the Grand County Library District did the same.


Anna SzczepanskiAnna Szczepanski, MLIS, is CLiC’s Western Regional Consultant. She has over 20 years of experience working in public and school libraries in Colorado and Guatemala. She loves seeing what is over the next hill, be it a mountain vista or an innovative library trend.



Polly Gallagher HeadshotPolly Gallagher, executive director of Grand County Library District, joined the library world in 2018.  Committed to education and community, the library provided a balance as she stepped out of a career in public education and human resources.



January 25, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST