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Tara Bannon

North of 50

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October 23, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT

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Seniors are a growing segment of the population, and they need the type of services and programs that libraries are so good at providing.

Join us for a discussion about connecting with and serving seniors in your community — including those seniors who are experiencing memory loss. Staff from the Denver Public Library will share stories, tips, and information about their top senior programs designed for those “North of 50”.

Contact Information

  • Tara – tbannon@denverlibrary.org
  • Amy – adelpo@denverlibrary.org
  • Stephanie – stwoeagles@denverlibrary.org


Session Slides (PDF)

Facilitators: Tara Bannon, Amy DelPo, and Stephanie Two Eagles

Tara currently works as a Senior Librarian at the Park Hill Branch Library, which is a part of the Denver Public Library system. Awarded the Nell I. Scott Employee of the Year Award in 2013, Tara continues to innovate and inspire. Tara’s current pursuits include intentional community building through deliberative dialogue and civic engagement and locating Denver’s best nachos.

Amy DelPo is a reference librarian at the Schlessman Family Branch of the Denver Public Library. There, she is a jack of all trades, doing everything from storytimes to readers advisory to programs for people with memory loss.  She is passionate about the power of community to improve the quality of people’s lives, and she believes that libraries can positively transform what it means to age in America.

Stephanie Two Eagles served as director of the Colorado Film Commission and retired after 26 years with the agency.  She began working as a shelver at Denver Public Library nearly five years ago, most of that time at Park Hill Branch, where she has been a customer for three decades.


October 23, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT