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Beth Christ

Teen Mental Health: In their own words

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February 20, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST

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Teen suicide is on the rise nationally, and Colorado’s statistics are higher than many other states. In this interactive session we will highlight this issue by sharing interview clips from teens who have experienced mental health issues, Colorado specific research, and we will brainstorm how libraries can be part of a larger community conversations.


Facilitators: Beth Crist, Cameron Riesenberger, and Christine Kreger

Beth is the Youth & Family Services Consultant for the Colorado State Library. She is passionate about equitable library service (ask me about eliminating overdue fines!), empowering teens, and creating engaging experiences and spaces for kids of all ages.

Cameron is the Teen Services Outreach Librarian for the Pikes Peak Library District. He coordinates school visits for all the Middle Schools and High Schools in El Paso County.

Christine Kreger is the Colorado State Library’s first full-time Professional Development Consultant, bringing over 25 years of training and continuing education experience to the table. Early on, she focused on face-to-face instruction, and group presentations, but recently has developed an appreciation for the power of interactive training, both in person and online.



February 20, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST